Loving Your Younger Self

my podcast, small steps to self-love, is available now! + intro and q&a

If you’re on your path to self-love and want to listen to weekly inspirational self-love content to help you on your journey, you’re in the right place! I’ve recently launched my podcast small steps to self-love where I’ll be discussing mental health, self-love, relationships, and whatever else life throws our way. Also, the occasional poetry reading and guest interview, too! 

For our first episode, I started with a poem from my poetry book changing with the tides. Like many of my poems, this one is about finding yourself and finding love for yourself, a topic I’m very passionate about and one of the main topics of this podcast. 

Each episode, we’ll also have a “small step” or action for you to take on your self-love journey. 

In this episode, I also held a short q&a responding to a few questions sent in by some of my readers from TikTok and Instagram. Tune in to hear my answers on what inspires me, what my writing process looks like, how poetry helps my mental health, and some goals i hope to accomplish before the new year!

Small step 1

As I mentioned, each episode will include a “small step,” an actionable task or prompt to help you along your self-love journey. This episode’s small step is a reflection question. Set aside a moment of your day just for you, and take some time to reflect and ask yourself…

What is one thing your younger self would love about you if they saw you now?

It can be easy to fall into a negative mindset and I know there’s someone looking at that question thinking, “my younger self would be disappointed in me” or “they wouldn’t like me” and if that’s you, I get it. There are some days when I feel that way. But I want to ask you to focus on the positives. Take a moment to journal with this prompt or write a poem from it, and see where your inspiration takes you.  

Where to listen

You can tune into my podcast by visiting the links below, or stream on your favorite podcast sites!

Thanks for listening to episode 1! I am so excited to continue chatting with you in future episodes. If you have any questions for me or topic requests, please leave a review, comment, or send me a message on instagram @shelbyleighpoetry. I’d love to hear from you.  


Overcoming self-doubt so you can live your best life


promoting your poetry book